Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lemon Pasta

Lemon Pasta

¼ C. olive oil
¼ C fresh lemon juice
2 garlic cloves, minced
¼ C. fresh basil
Salt and pepper to taste
Fresh parmesan cheese, grated
5-10 sundried tomatoes
1 can chicken broth
1 lb pasta

In a large bowl combine olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper. Set aside. Put the can of chicken broth in a pot with water and cook pasta in the broth. Drain noodles and pour them in with the lemon mixture. Then add the basil, cheese, and tomatoes.

One of our favorite things about this recipe is that we always have the ingredients on hand. We buy bags of fresh lemons, squeeze them, and freeze the juice in ice cube trays. Then we take the lemon juice cubes and put them in a Ziploc bag and store them in the freezer. The recipe is still very tasty if you don’t have any basil—we’ve made it with fresh, frozen, or left it out entirely and it is always yummy. We buy dehydrated tomatoes that are easy to prepare in hot water. We have also added grilled chicken or broccoli. Enjoy!
submitted by: Margaret Moore

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