Amy Langford’s Mint Brownies
Ingredients (for a 9x13” pan)
1 box of brownie mix (I usually get Betty Crocker’s double chocolate with Hershey chunks in it – or something like it)
Stuff to make the brownies per box directions: 2 eggs, 1/3 c. vegetable oil, water
4 cups icing sugar, sifted
½ cup (1 stick) butter softened
Milk and/or water
Peppermint extract
~6 candy canes (or peppermint candies), crushed (using a motar and pestel, or a plastic bag and hammer, or whatever works) Don’t crush too fine, leave a few bigger pieces in there.
2 oz semisweet chocolate chips
¼ c. cream (heavy or whipping)
1.Prepare the brownie mix and bake as directed on the box. Use a 9x13 pan so the brownies are not too thick.
2.Let the brownies cool for a bit. Once they are mostly cool, put them in the freezer for a little while (could be a few hours, could be shorter, depending on the time you have). This helps make them even more fudgy (and cold enough to the spread the icing on without issue).
3.Prepare the icing: combine the icing sugar and butter and beat until mixed well. Add enough liquid (water or milk or a combo of the 2) and beat until the icing is a good spreadable consistency (sorry, that’s the best I can do for descriptions) – go slowly, adding a little here and there. Add a few drops of peppermint extract ‘till it tastes pepperminty enough to you. I don’t use much; remember, you’re going to be putting peppermints on the top, so you don’t want an overpowering flavor. Go slowly, adding a drop here and there until you get what you want.
4.Spread icing on chilled brownies. I put on about ¼ of an inch worth, but go with what looks good to you. You will probably have a bit of leftover icing. Don’t plan on using it all (unless you like things with lots of icing on them).
5.Sprinkle the crushed candy on top till it looks good to you. It’s hard to say exactly how much to use, but go with your gut on this one. In the end, it will kind of look like William Sonoma’s peppermint bark (mmm….delicious), if that’s helpful at all.
6.Create the ganache (fancy French name for chocolate and cream sauce) to go on top. Put chocolate chips and cream in a saucepan on medium heat. Stir together until cream and chocolate fully mix together. (Note: this can be made far ahead of time and just put in the fridge. To re-melt it, stick it in the microwave for 30 or so seconds.)
7. Drizzle ganache over the brownies as desired.
8. Put the whole pan, uncovered, in the freezer again, to harden the icing and ganache for a little bit. It’s easiest to cut if they’re still chilled. If you’re going to keep it in there for a while, be sure to freeze it a little first, then cover, then freeze again.
submitted by: Amy Langford